Interface ProcessedCart


  • ProcessedCart


cart_total: string

Total price of the cart items

cart_total_initial: string

Total price of the cart items (before discounts)

coupons: CouponShort[]
currency: string
items: ProcessedCartItem[]
sales: SaleShort[]
shipping_date: null | string

Expected date of the shipping - not include delivery time

shipping_price: string

Shipping price for the given cart and selected method If there is phisical and digital shipping method, the price is sum of both

shipping_price_initial: string

Shipping price for the given cart and selected method (before diccounts) If there is phisical and digital shipping method, the price is sum of both

shipping_time: null | number

Number of working days representing the time of preparing the shipment - not include delivery time

summary: string

Total price of the whole cart - including shipping price and discounts

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